Being fitness fanatics and sport enthusiasts, we found looking after our skin was crucial. The sweat, impurities and environmental factors can have a harsh impact on our skin’s health.
We found ourselves buying products from all different types of brands, not one brand on the market could offer a solution for our skincare needs as fitness people. Our bathroom shelves became cluttered with multiple products, each targeting different skin issues.
This is when the idea for Skin Wrkout was born, we envisioned a brand that could provide a skincare routine specifically designed for those who sweat.
Not only do we want to clean, treat, hydrate and protect our skin, we want to do it naturally, no harsh chemicals and man made fragrances and toxins. Natural products are very important because they allow the skin to breathe, which is vital for active skin, they also reduce the daily exposure of chemicals around you.
We want to feed your skin using only the highest quality natural ingredients, 100% natural scents and all natural ingredients used are grown by using environmentally friendly farming methods. Our products contain high levels of antioxidants and nourishment, for environmentally conscious skin care that delivers effective results.
To further align with our commitment to sustainability, our packaging is fully recyclable, 88% of cardboard used is from recycled materials.
Our products are cruelty free and environmentally friendly.
Nourishing both the skin and senses, all products are Natural and Organic Certified according to the international COSMOS standard by ECOCERT Greenlife.